Saturday, January 15, 2011

Damn and Rabbits

 Reality is quite something, hitting you like a bolt of lightening, but usually without the same effect. Your heart misses a couple of beats and you pause for reflection.

Damn. Oh dear. Mmmm….. Ok!

Today I was once again pounding the rubber (the running machine). Running 6.30 – 7.00 min miles equates to the run being over and done with sooner. Negativity is a great way to train! I was mulling over a couple of things, staring at the World Map I have stuck on the wall. It’s too dark outside to see through the window, and in any case it steams up pretty soon. Good job we have not got neighbours as they may get funny ideas about what past-times we have.

I was staring at central northern Canada, laughing to my self remembering my comeuppance with a special needs student in Port Hardy. This lad was learning Canadian geography and he simply could not remember ‘Hudson Bay’. I told him to look closely and we laughed as he realised that it was shaped like an upside down rabbit. It became a joke between us that Hudson Bay was actually called ‘The Rabbit’. Sadly for him, though, in his final geography test, he named it ‘The Rabbit’ and got zero points for that question. Anyway, as I was recalling this funny but sad event, Feb 1st has been in my mind lots as it signified the start date for my May 1st Vancouver marathon. My head is ready and I’m happy with my winter fitness. But then the reality of my assumption struck home – ‘May 1’ and work back ‘16 weeks’ does not equate to a Feb 1st start date. Rats. I’ve missed a chunk of training before I have actually started! My official marathon training start of Jan 10th missed (but fortunately marked as a rest day, phew). I have to get up early tomorrow and pound rubber for 6 miles. Testing for sure, but no pain, no gain.

I’m not really that surprised I messed up, as clearly memory lapse runs in the family. My dear mother sent me us two Christmas cards. She also sent her sister two as well, one not stamped. My Auntie sent us two bars of Marmite Chocolate in separate envelopes – one addressed to our current house, the other to our old address. It’s great comfort knowing that I’m not alone.

Lack of work has forced me to return to Port Hardy, a mixed blessing. A good friend, Richard, needs help to catch up on renovation contracts and for him to catch up on needed sleep, for he has a new son to be responsible for. Pain for some, gain for others I guess. I shall be gone for two weeks and as has been pointed out to me by Canmore Peter, this means that no ‘funnies’ will be passed on, but you will get two weeks worth in one day upon my return. Enjoy the silence! Sadly, though, my time away means that my introduction to Canada’s ‘Silent Sport’ will be terminated early. Natasha signed us up for curling (note to all: watch ‘Men with Brooms’ DVD if at all possible). What a superb sport! Natasha enjoyed being the youngest there.

Our winter has come to a crashing, screeching stop. The sheer volume of snow has given way to a big melt, with consequences. Mush everywhere. We now go for a dogmush, as opposed to dogski, dogwalk, dogrun… The joy of weather.  I fully expect winter to return for February – I hope so as Natasha and I have some skiing left to do.

Till next time. Port Hardy beckons and yes, my running shoes are packed.


  1. What were you thinking of entering a spring marathon? Mentalist!

  2. And here I was thinking of a winter beach BBQ. Maybe when you get back.
