Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Capital 'W'

Snow puts a capital W in Winter. Without snow, there is no winter. Hence the small w. Some people are crying ‘Global Warming? Global Cooling more like!’. Parts of the US, for example Carolina and even parts of Australia have seen snow for the first time in yonks. Vancouver Islands ski resort of Mt Washington has the worlds deepest ski base and 5.5m. wow! However, there is no denying that weather is distinct from climate, and the world’s climate is warming. Sorry.

Most dream of snow, being blocked in by snowdrifts metres deep. There is a magical notion to the purity of snow and what it brings. I remember only too well the magic of being snowed in whilst winter skiing in Norway: Arriving late at our longed-for cabin, howling gale, blowing snow, to a hut no warmer than the outside. Dig out the front door, light the fire, get some ice for water. Generally speaking it takes a full 24 hrs to make a cabin warm and if the snow does not let up, the heat in the cabin will be put to good use the following day. Alone, in the wilderness, not a soul around. The storm subsides and a magical playground is revealed at daybreak. It’s an image of dreams. Indeed, Christmas day back in 2004 was spent like this, with my buddy Clive, snowed in at a mountain hut just north of the Hardangervidda plateau. 

Yet the beauty hides its dangers, its power to destroy. Avalanches attempt to kill all within its path, with no exception. Some are lucky enough to be rescued but they are few are far between. It’s the lure of the mountain magic, the thrill of the white expanse and the joy of being which brings some humans out to play, despite the dangers.

Natasha, Bonny, Tasky and I have played lots in the snow this winter, on the disused rail trail below us and the surrounding area. Craig, an old time environmentalist in New Denver, keeps ringing to see if we can go into the mountains to play on our skis with him, but it never seems to work out quite right. I only managed it once last year, but am determined to make the venture work. As much as I detest skidoo’s, a motorised sledge crossed with a motorcycle, we are looking to buy one, for without a means to get into the mountains, the wondrous Alpine experience will continue to allude us. Meanwhile, my eyes stay trained to the weather forecast. I’m hooked by it, an hourly fix. The avalanche.ca site too, but I never seem to be able to put my assumed knowledge and amassed toys to the test. There is a hut near here, 17km up a former logging road, accessible by skidoo, or a very long ski in. I’m eager to get us up there, dogs n all. Someday soon.

The onset of snow does bring local challenges, such as snow clearing. Once embarked upon, one rapidly realises its qualities: damn heavy, cold and wet. I’m working out a routine for clearing the snow around the house and driveway, but alas always seem to forget the roofs! So, the roofs are duly cleared, and the ground cleared once again. I’ve always been a bit of slow learner. Our old snow blower mounted on the front of a small garden tractor broke down the other day, so a replacement had to be rapidly found. My back is simply not up to mass snow clearing. The annoying thing is that I have found a buyer for the tractor/snowblower, but the parts to fix it are not in yet. Indeed, has the mechanic even ordered them? Welcome to the Slocan Valley.

We had a quiet Christmas, with Natasha’s parents spoiling us rotten once again with wrapped gifts. Without them, the tree would have looked a bit lonely. My Auntie sent us some Marmite Chocolate, but I was left wondering why people are intent on ruining two perfectly good products. However, my nightmare of 2008 returned with Christmas and Boxing Day being wiped out with a migraine. Damn things. I stopped drinking tea once again, and this only brought on a caffeine withdrawal headache! Can’t win eh? Anyway, the snow is beckoning; we are off to Canmore (Rockies) tomorrow to see the New Year in. Gotta pack! Fun times….

Marmite Man


  1. If any dickhead comes out with the "...Global Cooling more like!" comment, politely point them in the direction of this.

