Saturday, October 30, 2010


Why do we do what we do? If we don't get paid for doing something then we must be doing it for love, guilt or some other, perhaps more sinister, reasons. For example, I don't particularly like just going out for a walk, but Natasha does. So we do, and invariably I enjoy most aspects of it. On the other hand I feel totality when I am running freely in the mountains, lost in thought. I also try to be a bit careful in what I eat despite my love for food. 

But, conversely, why do we decide not do things? Expense? Unhealthy? Illegal?! Or simply perhaps a lack of drive. I have always maintained that I am a lazy person, always ready to take a short cut. For example I will happily make one nearly impossible journey from the car to the kitchen, overladen with shopping bags, rather than two way easier ones. Why make life easy for yourself when with a bit of effort you can make it nigh impossible?!  How often have we not gone out running because essentially we just don't want to?

Anyway, my point is that sometimes you have to combine the reasons why you chose to do something with the very reason why you chose not to. My good friend Bryan, a Geordie for his sins, has run off and on for most of his time on this planet. He's certainly not in the best shape of his life. Because of family responsibilities, transport challenges and essentially being skint, much does not get ticked on the proverbial 'to do' list. But for reasons best known to himself, some months back Bryan decided to get off his lard arse and train for the Amsterdam marathon.  Now, I gave up marathon running at the young age of 18, having completed the Bristol and London marathon. Never again, and I have never budged. But last week Bryan completed the Amsterdam in 4hrs (+ 29 frustrating seconds). Blimey! Good old Bryan! The word I have missed out in my opening paragraph is 'inspiration'. All of us are at some point inspired by an action or a person because of what has been done. Because of a single, simple action by one determined friend, I have now decided to train and run the Victoria marathon in Oct 2011. Never say never, but I'm nervous already.


  1. I notice the Victoria Marathon is recognised as a qualifying race for the Boston Marathon. Are you going for a qualifying time?
    At my present level of fitness I won't qualify until I'm a pensioner!

  2. Why on earth would I want to do that?
